Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Guess What!

No really, guess!!

No ideas???

Ill give you a couple of hints!

What weighs 25 pounds??

This fish weighs 25 pounds!

This cat weighs 25 pounds!

This potato weighs 25 pounds!

TWENTY FIVE of these weighs 25 pounds!

Now, who DOESN'T have 25 pounds???

Yea, you guessed right!!



Anonymous said...

F*U*N post Linds! Years ago on "one" of my previous weight loss attempts I lost as much as my 3 year-old weighed at the time. It was soooo cool to pick him up and say, "I've lost an entire Max!". Good for you! ~ Angie

ThunderThighs said...

YAY!! :) that's great! love the way you posted it too, very cute

Holy Hannah said...

CONGRATS!!!! That is totally awesome! you totally kick ass

Holy Hannah said...

CONGRATS!!!! That is totally awesome! you totally kick ass